AWS Certifications Practice Tests

Learning By Teaching

learning by teaching

My Journey to Becoming a Certified AWS System Architect Associate

Hey there, fellow learners! Today, I’m excited to share with you my new adventure in the world of AWS. I’ve decided to embark on the challenging yet rewarding path to become a certified AWS System Architect Associate (SAA).

And you know what’s even more exciting? I’ll be documenting and sharing my journey every step of the way. They say that one of the best ways to learn something is by teaching it to others. That’s exactly what I plan to do with my AWS learning journey.

Learning by teaching is a fantastic way to solidify your own understanding of a subject. When you teach something to others, you have to really understand the material well enough to explain it clearly. It also helps you see the topic from different perspectives, which can deepen your own knowledge. Plus, it’s a great way to help others learn and grow, creating a positive cycle of knowledge sharing.

By sharing my progress, insights, challenges, and victories with you all, not only will I reinforce my own understanding of AWS concepts, but I’ll also be able to help and inspire others who are on a similar path.

As I dive into the world of AWS, I’ll be exploring topics like EC2, S3, IAM, VPC, and much more. I’ll be taking you along with me as I study, practice, and prepare for the SAA certification exam. Expect to see blog posts, tutorials, tips, and maybe even some live streaming sessions where we can learn and grow together.

I truly believe that knowledge is meant to be shared. So why not join me on this exciting journey of learning by teaching? Together, we can expand our AWS expertise, support each other through the challenges, and celebrate the achievements along the way. Stay tuned for more updates, and let’s unlock the power of learning through teaching together!

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Hey there! I'm Helmi, a WordPress implementer from Malaysia. I'm super passionate about all things WordPress and cloud technology. I love exploring data analytics and playing around with different content management systems. More...
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